Search results for: ekka
Ekka Strawberry Sundae sales finish strong in 2024 despite wet weather
Ekka strawberry sundae sales 2024: Our incredible scoop troop chopped, topped and served 125,890 strawberry sundaes over the 9-day event.
Ekka Strawberry Sundae Sales Records Tumble in 2023
Ekka Strawberry Sundae Sales 2023: Sunny skies, soaring temps and support from showgoers all combined to create record-breaking sales.
Meet the Ekka Strawberry Sundae Ice Cream Makers: Lick Ice Cream
Meet the Ekka Strawberry Sundae Ice Cream Makers: The special, smooth ice cream is produced right here in Brisbane by family-owned Lick Ice Cream.
Five Reasons Ekka Strawberry Sundaes are so special
As far as Ekka traditions go, one treats the tastebuds AND helps people live healthier for longer. Click to read 5 reasons why Ekka Strawberry Sundaes are so special.
Ekka Strawberry Sundaes Memories
We're seeking passionate and energetic individual and corporate volunteers to help us serve up some iconic Strawberry Sundaes for life-saving medical research!
Ekka Strawberry Sundaes return to Brisbane
The iconic Ekka Strawberry Sundaes return to Brisbane for the Royal Queensland Show this August for the first time in two years as The Common Good serves over 120,000 ice…
History of the Strawberry Sundae at the Ekka
How the Ekka Strawberry Sundae has evolved since the 1950's and it's role in raising vital funds for medical research.
Ekka favourite available at COVID vaccine hub
More than 1,000 people a day are being vaccinated and Queensland Health predicts the daily figure will grow to 3,000 people by Saturday.
Volunteers needed for Ekka Strawberry Sundae Stalls
The Common Good requires over 2,000 volunteers across the 9 days of Ekka to support this Ekka tradition and raise funds to save lives. The charity needs 500 more people…
Volunteers needed for Ekka Strawberry Sundae Stalls
The Common Good requires over 2,000 volunteers across the 9 days of Ekka to support this Ekka tradition and raise funds to save lives. The charity needs 500 more people…
Volunteers sought for Ekka strawberry sundaes
The Ekka is back in full swing in August and The Common Good is calling for volunteers to help raise medical research funding in its Strawberry Sundae Stalls.
Meet Aidan Ryan: The Artist Behind Our Strawberry Sundae Illustration
Did you spot the Ekka Strawberry Sundae illustration on a tote bag at last year’s show? Click here to meet the Brisbane-based artist who created the character.